February 12, 2025

Mall Cop Confessions: Working Special Events At Your Location

The great thing about being a mall cop is that as a post, a mall can be anything. It’s an actual venue. Over the years, I’ve patrolled concerts, fashion shows, boxing matches, and radio show events that are just awesome to be around.

But special events take some preparation and the problems that occur at these parties can throw you for a curve if you’re not ready for them.

So, let’s get ready for them now.

Anticipate how it will effect your parking: Half of the battle in security is literally right outside your doors. Will an increase in attendance cause problems? Fights over spots? Be ready.

What will be the choke points in the mall?: Are your bathrooms going to be slammed? Is there going to be enough space for everyone to be comfortable? Is there enough seating? Or will people be standing at certain points of heavy foot traffic?

What kind of crowd are you bringing in?: Let’s be real. A LEGO tradeshow is going to bring in a much different audience than a boxing weigh in. You have to understand what the demand on the venue will be because of the event.

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Will you need extra support from law enforcement?: Most malls have a good relationship with the local police department or sheriff’s office. Call them for help if you need it.

And don’t forget about your regular shoppers: Just because you’re having a special event doesn’t mean your normal crowd is staying home. In fact, foot traffic is one of the drawing points for the mall. Make sure they’re taken care of too.

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If you do some planning, your events will turn out great, and your clients will see an increase in business which is only good news for you. Good luck.

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