Mono Red Mid Lifer: Why I Only Play Mono Red in Magic The Gathering
About a year and a half ago, I started playing Magic: The Gathering. I’m in my 40s and I’m a couple of decades late to the party compared to some of my fellow players, but I’ve really come to enjoy it.
Especially Mono Red. So much so that it’s the only color I play.
Listen, this series certainly isn’t a diss to any of the other colors. I appreciate their respective brillance when I’m getting beat down by them several times a week.
But I believe in the customizable experience that speaks to who you are.
Life is too short. Play to win the game and destroy your enemies as quickly as possible. Forget ceremony, and *bleep* their elaborate intentions that results in their satisfaction at the cost of your destruction.
There is a blunt, forwardness in mono red that is to be admired.
Mono Red doesn’t care about the elegant strategies of it’s enemies. They’ve got to be destroyed. Now.
If Mono Red were a movie scene, it would be Indiana Jones shooting the sword slinger in “Raiders Of The Lost Ark”
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And perhaps why I love Mono Red so much in Magic: The Gathering is because the cards actually do stuff. And they do stuff now.
Creatures with haste that can attack now.
Sorcery that hurts your enemies now.
Instants that can remove game changing threats now.
Mono Red is also the realest. There are no illusions when I set down my commander. I’m choosing violence.
And why should this game, which ends when your enemies are eliminated, be any other way?
What do you think about Mono Red? Let me know in the comments.
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