March 14, 2025

MTG Mono Red Man: Drakuseth, Maw Of Flames

Intro: Nothing says mono red more than a big *bleeping* dragon that enters the battlefield and wrecks everything around him. Drakuseth does just that. When you finally get him out in a game of commander, he’s prepared to unleash some game changing mono red fury.

What the card actually says:
Whenever Drakuseth Maw Of Flames attacks, it deals 4 damage to any target and 3 damage to each of up to two of other targets. 7.7
“Spread out, you idiots! Spread out!” Marsden party leader,last words

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Analysis: That quote means something because Drakuseth deals out some nice damage and can sweep that mono red fury across your enemies. If you got something that can give Drakuseth haste then even better. If you’ve been able to get some other strong creatures out on the way to this devastating dragon, even better still.

How it makes you feel when you play it: It feels like an awesome mono red rush when he finally gets out. And it can take out your enemies before they get to far into their respective strategies. It’s big. It’s mean. And Drakuseth demands attention. When I play him, I’m saying “you’ve got your goofy super squirrels, and uppity angels, emo zombies, and smelly fish. I’ve got a dragon. Let’s go.”

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Conclusion: Dragons and mono red go hand and hand. Drakuseth would be a great addition to your collection and if you’re just getting into the best color in Magic, then go with something that is a true and powerful representative of what it’s all about.

What do you think? Have you played Drakuseth? Let me know in the comments.

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