March 14, 2025

Bel Air: Let’s Talk About The Pivot From Basketball To Business

The third season of Bel Air has begun, and the “summertime” feel has allowed the show to change up the chemistry a bit. A key moment is the end of the season three premiere that has Will leaving his basketball endeavors (for now) to focus on a new business program for young aspiring entrepreneurs.

It threw me off because we had given so much time to Will’s hoop dreams. Those dreams had even been the centerpiece of a few episodes and now they were just throwing it away?

But the “Pivot” (also the name of episode 2) has allowed us to see more of the characters and has let Will and Carlton evolve.

They introduced the country club networking and Will and Carlton’s new venture that looks to elevate black businesses. Both have worked out pretty good so far.

You can buy your Bel Air Academy jersey on Amazon HERE

And if you’re like me and making constant comparisons to the sitcom even though they’re completely different genres, you’ll remember Will and Carlton got into plenty of shenanigans away from school and the basketball court together.

They can always go back to basketball when the show goes back to school anyways.

The truth is that we need to see this talented cast doing some different things. We’re seeing Geoffrey try to figure out Frederick. Hillary is in a triangle with Jazz and LaMarcus (there are two right now if you included Will, Lisa, and Jackie), and Vivian is getting some much welcomed multiple angles with both her business and her marriage to Phil.

Expansion is good but it’s risky. So far, Bel Air has allowed it to compliment it’s summer season.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

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