October 18, 2024

Vegetation makes it hard to see walkers at Ashland and Dousman

While a lot of pedestrian safety problems you’ll find at intersections in your town may require tough solutions, that will involve local leaders and months of planning, they’re not all like that.

Sometimes, you just need to trim the trees.

Such as the case for the intersection of Ashland and Dousman in Green Bay.

The problem with Ashland and Dousman is that the trees obstruct the view of the corners, which means that drivers, who are often in a hurry near downtown, can’t see us walkers. This could lead to tragedy if a walker is simply following the signals and gets blindsided by a car making that quick turn.

If it’s a right turn on red, should the driver come to a complete stop? Of course, but you and I know it doesn’t always work out that way.

So how do you fix pedestrian safety problems involving vegetation?

It’s simple. You cut the vegetation.

While you may not believe that trees causing pedestrian safety problems are very common, it happens more often then you think. Sometimes, it’s not even the trees. A lot of times, it can be bushes in a median or around a curb.

What is important is that we do something about it.

This is one of those problems that you may pass on doing anything about day after day. Like that bad DIY project you never seem to have the energy for.

But it’s important.

And just like many of the pedestrian safety problems that we’ve discussed before, if left unfixed, it can result in a preventable tragedy.

Do you have vegetation causing pedestrian safety problems in your neighborhood?

Do something about it before its too late!

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