December 12, 2024

Lioness: S2 E3 “Along Came A Spider” Highs and Lows

Goodness, it’s great to have Lioness back. And episode 3 of season 2 gave us the training of Josie Carrillo as our next asset.

It was a strong episode. But let’s break down the highs and lows…


The last 5 minutes: This was a breather episode after the action packed premiere and second episode, but we still got the rush with the solid acting in the last five minutes. Zoe Saldana continued her elevation in the character, and Genesis Rodriguez as Carrillo getting caught in her lie was good television. It’s completely possible she could be working us all and that will have us looking over our shoulder for the rest of the season.

What if we send the team in and it’s a trap?

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The Kaitlin DC games: We finally got to really see Kaitlin in her element, working the politicians, and her husband even did some of the lifting too. We needed this because there were some fans wondering “what does she even do?”. We had a front seat to that this week.

Joe’s paranoia: Is it just me? Or are Joe’s freak outs really justified. The van scare with her daughter seemed so real. And the missing family at the beginning of the show did as well. This is powerful because, we’re descending into paranoia with her. Until something happens for real of course.


The family: Oh, Lioness. We’re not leaving this family behind. Are we? Once again, Joe’s home life is bathroom break material. The stuff is cringe. We get enough hangout moments with the team. We don’t need more of the melodrama that wasn’t very good in the first season either.

What did you think of the episode? Let me know in the comments below.

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