Bad Monkey: Five Things We Need To See in Season 2
Bad Monkey has been renewed for season 2. This is terrific news because the first season, which premiered earlier this year was just wonderful. And we’re also getting back Vince Vaughn as Andrew Yancy, and that’s important because Vaughn kicked it back to his earlier era of performing, as the “own the room” detective, who doesn’t communicate with those around him as much as he directs traffic.
Let’s get to the list.
Here are five I want to see in season 2:
Bring back the Tom Nowicki narration: Nowicki’s voice serving as the presenter for the “Bad Monkey” story was just perfect. One of the best VOs of the year for sure. We need him back to walk us through this sophomore campaign.
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A “stone cold” villain: If we knew we were getting a season two, I actually would have gone a different way with Eve, our first villain. But while I think Yancy is hilarious, I want someone who doesn’t find him so humorous. And I want a beast who can stand next to Vince Vaughn and make us worry about him.
Bring back Bonnie and Rogelio for a little bit, but let’s get a mostly new slate of characters: Michelle Monaghan is going to think I’m nuts with two off season posts about her in one day (check out her White Lotus stuff HERE) but Bonnie’s story was a fun side mission from Yancy’s big case. And the next season should start with Rogelio taking Yancy to the car to find his next adventure.
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A new tribute soundtrack: The Tom Petty tribute soundtrack was just the perfect vibe. Showrunners should pick another artist we miss dearly and do it all over again.
Yancy having fun: When the credits rolled on season one, we were hyped with the tease, but I felt bad for Andrew. For all intensive purposes, he lost, and he was essentially alone. While the melancholy was powerful, I would like to see him find happiness this year.
I can’t wait!
What do you want to see in season 2 of Bad Monkey? Let me know in the comments!
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