Dozen Daily Trivia Answers Explained 1/5/25: “Just like the ocean under the moon”
Happy Sunday, Trivia Titans! And your Dozen Daily Trivia Answers for the day, will warm up your brain for the first full work week ahead in some time.
How did you do, Frank? Missed one. Perfects for the year? Zero.
Here we go!
NFL: In Week 18 of the 2021 season, the Raiders and this team played in an overtime game where if they tied, both would’ve made the playoffs, instead the Raiders won on a last-second field goal.
Answer: Los Angeles Chargers
Explained: I remember thinking it was kind of a jerk move for the Raiders to kick that ball
NBA: In 2014, this Chicago Bulls big man won Defensive Player of the Year and finished 4th in MVP voting.
Answer: Joakim Noah
Explained: I remember that goofy draft suit, and the big personality at Florida. But he turned out to be a pretty good Bull.
Soccer: Landon Donovan appeared in 253 games for this MLS team from 2005-2016.
Answer: LA Galaxy
Explained: “LA” not Los Angeles with these DDT answers
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Geography: Louisiana borders three states by land: Texas, Mississippi, and this state.
Answer: Arkansas
Explained: Even I thought this was Alabama.
Celebrity Mashup Answer: Timothee Chalamet and Adrien Brody
Explained: I learned to spell “Chalamet” simply by his frequency on these quizzes.
Chain Restaurants: While this fast food chain is more known for burgers, some of their locations offered a subsection Mexican food menu known as the Green Burrito & Red Burrito in certain regions.
Answer: Carl’s Jr and Hardees
Explained: A burrito at Hardees is like mahi mahi at Denny’s
Television: Since 2009, this Food Network game show has had four contestants compete in a three-round contest where they incorporate unusual combinations of ingredients into dishes.
Answer: Chopped
Explained: Not a big Food Network guy. I don’t know about you.
Movies: Following two men in their 40’s who take a trip to wine country, Paul Giamatti and Thomas Haden Church starred in this 2004 dramedy that won the Golden Globe for Best Picture.
Answer: Sideways
Explained: Giamatti and THC were both good in this. Also a pre Grey’s Sandra Oh.
Music: “Man, it’s a hot one. Like seven inches from the midday sun. Well, I hear you whisper and the words melt everyone…” are the opening lyrics from what 1999 song from Santana & Rob Thomas?
Answer: Smooth
Explained: My post hint of the day. Some good times jamming to this one . Shaman put Santana back on the map.
How did you do? Let me know in the comments.
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