March 3, 2025

Why the “Novara” in Ashwaubenon is solid development for the community

In the last 16 years, I’ve been in support of and in opposition of more developments than I can count. But the criteria has always been the same. It’s “The Three Fs”

Will it fit?
Will it flow?
And will it function?

The “Novara”, a 152 unit development coming to the Village of Ashwaubenon appears to do just that (story HERE). The concept is mixed use (of course) with a twin tower concept. It’s already been approved but as someone who visits the area daily, I’m always skeptical before I consider “The Three Fs”

Does it fit?: Yes There is already a nice group of apartments across the street, and more on the way. The area is quickly becoming modern and trendy, but is still a short walk away from Lambeau Field without disturbing the sense of community around the historic venue.

Does it flow? Yes: On Sunday afternoon, when there is no public transportation (that’s a post for another day), you’ll catch me walking down Holmgren. And it’s remarkably peaceful. Even with the mall just a couple of blocks away. Traffic density is a non issue here. And that’s a big one, because once you start experiencing backups during non rush hours, then you’re overdeveloping.

Does it function? Yes: Because right now, the land is doing nothing. Nobody is living there. Nobody is working there. Nobody is selling there. This mixed use will plug into the retail hub at Bay Park nicely.

Bonus Pedestrian Safety Considerations: As someone who gripes about pedestrian safety in the village (I almost get hit by the mall about twice a month), a flashing crosswalk by Holmgren and Cormier will be a blessing. And make those Sunday walks even better.

I just wish other community partners would do the same on Oneida.

The Novara is an easy development green light. And there is still plenty of space in the area. An exciting time for residents that want to keep the village going in the right direction.

What do you think of the development? Let me know in the comments.

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