March 4, 2025

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman: They swapped out Tony Stark for Norman Osborn

“Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman” premiered this week on Disney Plus, and the first two episodes are just fine. We get a blob of year one Spiderman with some ties to the movies, including the one big change we’re going to discuss right now.

I’m talking about the cartoon swapping out Iron Man or Tony Stark, for Norman Osborn or The Green Goblin.

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At the end of the first episode, after we get a run through the different characters in Peter’s life, we get what feels like a reenactment of the memorable introduction of Spiderman in Captain America: Civil War.

Parker walks into his apartment spaced out, and we see (young) Aunt May with someone on her couch.

The movie tells us this should be Tony Stark. And we’re about to experience the beginning of the franchises most beloved father/son like connections.

Instead, we learn that it’s Norman Osborn who has taken interest in Peter’s work. And we know that Osborn is a bad, bad man.

Imagine if Parker would have walked into that apartment in the movie and instead of Robert Downey Jr., it would have been Willem Dafoe. Yeah, I know.

But the truth isn’t that hard to find. The Osborns play big parts in the Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield movies. The villain turn will arrive we just don’t know when.

The show also made a few new changes.

Instead of Mary Jane, or Gwen Stacy, or MJ. We get Pearl, Peter’s former babysitter, as his first crush.

And instead of Curt Connors, we get Carla Connors, who while as sweet as can be, we understand that she’ll eventually become The Lizard and try to kill everybody.

What do you think of the changes? Let me know in the comments.

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