Doc: Grouchy Lady proved “Old Amy” was the better doctor
You know, with each passing week early on in its run, I often wish that “Doc” would have started with more of the “Old” Dr. Amy Larsen. I’ve already said that she was “in the right” with many of her relationships before her accident, because the people in her life are proper jerks who were jealous that she was better than they were (story HERE).
And wouldn’t you know it, Ms. Reinhold proved it to me again this week.
Now, granted, Ms. Reinhold was something of a “strong cup of coffee”. That was the point in her character. But she knew Amy before her accident because she respected her.
And in one of the more enjoyable parts of the series to this point, we got to see Molly Parker playing the “new Amy” who was pretending to be the “old Amy”. Which is a fun exercise to watch any actor do. Molly crushes it here too.
But Ms. Reinhold prompted me to ask this question before writing this post.
If you’re life is on the line, who would you rather have trying to save it?
Chief Amy Larsen, who was a “killer” who would be insulted that you would decide to die on her watch, while also being angry at herself for letting you go?
Or nice Amy, who I’m sure is delightful over coffee, but is missing that killer instinct along with eight years of her memory?
Give me old Amy. Again.
I’m still here Doc viewers. I believe in it’s star enough to stay with it. I just wish they would have done some things differently during this important part of it’s first season.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments.
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