March 10, 2025

Air Wisconsin layoffs present terrible optics ahead of NFL Draft in Green Bay

In what could best be characterized as bad timing with even more terrible news, Air Wisconsin has announced layoffs. Including over 280 employees in Appleton losing their jobs (story HERE).

The news comes down the week of the Super Bowl, and exactly 80 days before the world turns their eyes to Northeast Wisconsin, and specifically the NFL Draft here in Green Bay.

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First, lets focus on the fact that almost 300 of our neighbors will be losing their jobs. This while Air Wisconsin continues running Indeed ads presenting the image of a company that is still hiring. While the rest of this post focuses on the NFL draft, there are plenty of people that will worry about keeping their families housed and fed.

But, yeah, it’s also terrible messaging to send out by the company, and excercises a complete lack of disregard for the greater good of the region.

And the news also comes down, while Green Bay has a delegation in New Orleans during Super Bowl week to pump us up, and ensure that we do a good enough job to not only lift up our local economy, but to send a message to the rest of the globe that we’re plenty capable of hosting these world class events.

Now, we have to worry about counter programming. You’ve got to wonder if the transportation leaders in the region didn’t want to wait for this “shift in operations”. Or at the very least, made these announcements on Friday, when the world is already wondering what Taylor Swift will be wearing to the big game.

Instead, we have static for our big event competitors to whisper ahead of the event, in hopes of getting these big moments to take place in their communities instead. And this is a competition, we can never forget that.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

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