Review: My Goodfellow jeans tore after just a couple of months
Denim is a staple of the American wardrobe. Everyone should have a good pair of jeans that are comfortable, versatile, and durable.
Goodfellow jeans are certainly not durable.
After just a couple of months, the jeans that I bought from a big box retailer have torn. As you know, this tear will only get bigger until the pants are no longer wearable.
And this is a crotch tear. I don’t care how fashionable ripped jeans are in this day and age, wearing denim a hole in the crotch looks bad. No one wants to see that.
The sad part is that I really didn’t run them that hard. I used them for casual wear. I wasn’t doing construction. I wasn’t wearing any tool belts or accessories that would strain them in any way. I’m in Wisconsin and it’s cold here. But that’s the only outside element challenging the durability of these jeans.
Putting myself in your place, you probably saw these jeans at a lower price than the bigger names. I get it. I’m not a wealthy man, and in my budget every penny counts. I went cheap here and it turns out that I’m literally going to have to pay the price.
There is no way I can in good faith, recommend Goodfellow jeans. I’ve had denim last me years with almost daily punishment involved. And the fit and feel were so good that I regretted throwing them away.
Stay away from these pants. And if you have to buy them, be very aware that it doesn’t take much to render them unwearable.
Have you had a bad experience with Goodfellow jeans? Let me know in the comments. I have to go look for another pair.
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