March 31, 2025

Good American Family: Here are Five First Impressions of the Hulu show

Good American Family premiered this week on Hulu. And it’s…. something.

Let’s not waste anytime. Here are five first impressions of the show.

You have to suspend your belief regarding how stupid the Barnett’s were: When the Barnett’s go to First Path to pick up Natalia Grace, there are red flags everywhere. They’re so evident that I believe showrunners wanted us to pick up on them. But what for? Why make them so blatant that everything was so shady.

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Natalia Grace is a monster: You’ve got to wonder why they didn’t surrender her the first two days after they got her. Natalia Grace is completely out of line, even in the realm of being a newly adopted child. There are serious issues here. And when she’s brandishing that knife at Christina’s bedside, there isn’t a normal human that would have tolerated that.

The disclaimer says these are allegations, but it’s so dangerous, it just sprouts a dozen other questions.

I don’t know how they want us to feel?: Is this true crime? Is this horror? Am I supposed to be scared? Am I supposed to be worried for Christina? Or is she just as bad for exploiting her genius son? What do you want me to feel?

The time jump reveals too much: We know Christina’s husband leaves her. I’m not sure that’s something we needed during the premiere. And while they were a mess before the adoption, it makes them both less sympathetic.

Ellen Pompeo is doing a lot of heavy lifting here?: She’s got 20 plus years of Meredith Grey equity, and she’s cashing it in here. For her sake I hope this show gets much better in a hurry.

And we do have some ways to go. But a rough start for Good American Family for sure.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

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