October 23, 2024

Alert MPU: Here is the answer behind the long awaited Keith mystery

*Update: Alert showrunners would end up revisiting and changing the Keith mystery after this reveal. You can read a review of that episode HERE

The next lead-in to the bold print is an emotional transcript of what I was thinking for the “Craig” episode of Alert: Missing Persons Unit. Which was ultimately a winner.

I was ready for my Keith reveal. And when I didn’t get it in the first 15 minutes I was getting frustrated.

So much, that I couldn’t concentrate on the “Craig” mystery.

C’s nonsense with the Gummi worms ticked me off.
Kemi and the damn lime and eggs. I didn’t care.
And the back and forth between the two stories was straight-up aggravating.

But when we finally did find out, I did take a deep breath.

When the autopsy results on the skeleton came back, we learned that the boy staying with Nikki and Jason is indeed their son. That is Keith. But Sydney was also right. Keith fell in the ice. But he escaped through another hole in the pond before he was abducted.


Okay. Let’s talk about the teaser. I’ll do a separate post as well, but it looks like Nikki gets taken.

Alert: Missing Person’s Unit has not been renewed.

And while the names of next week’s two hour finale are “Brianna” and “Max” it could mean that she might be recovered quickly. Or she might be missing for multiple weeks.

If there is no season 2 we might get an unresolved cliffhanger. The worst way for a show to fade.

Really fast, the “Craig” case was cool. Mike is a hero. Ryan Broussard is a star. Happy to see him featured here.

So be sure to tune in next week!

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