October 4, 2024

The Big Door Prize: S2 E2 “Here is where the Now is”

The second episode of the second season of The Big Door Prize, immediately started producing consequences of the Morpho Machine pushing the residents of Deerfield into their “next stage”.

When we last left Dusty, he was putting his card into the Morpho to see what was his next stage, which gave us a skiing video at Whistler he took before settling down. Cass’ video was much more intense, as we observer her video game self stabbing her mom at the festival. And then jumping up and down on her dead body.

They would continue to discuss the possibility of splitting up for a few weeks and ran the idea by Trina. She immediately asked what they would be doing about sex with other people and used her leverage to throw a party. Which would be lame after Jacob started acting weird.

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But that wouldn’t be the only party we’d see this episode. Giorgio and his new squeeze, Nat, would throw a dinner party in matching outfits for Dusty, Cass, Ruben, and Hana. After Dusty and Cass make their split announcement, Nat is afraid that Giorgio will pursue Cass again. In the moment, Giorgio decides to propose to Nat and then starts freestyle rapping. You read that correctly. Free style rapping.

Dusty and Cass open up further after the dinner party, and the former tells us he wanted to stay at Whistler and was always afraid of taking a chance. Cass unloads the fact that she also stabbed Dusty in her vision.

The episode ends with Trina and Jacob deciding to go to the next phase of the Morpho together.

What did you think of the episode? Let me know in the comments.

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