What We Do In The Shadows: The Best Quotes from “Headhunting”
Welcome back! Let’s not waste anytime. You guys want What We Do In The Shadows quotes and I’ve got them. LFG!!!
(Trying to reanimate dead tissue)
Laszlo: “I first tried building a man to take my place when I was drafted into your American civil war. The thing is I ended up going there myself and had a fantastic time. Good food. Good fellowship”
Laszlo: “If repetition is the father of progress than call me big pappa”
Colin Robinson: “Good gravy. What smells so bad in here. And can I please have some?”
Colin Robinson: “Well, I love a good weekend build. I’ll go get my Phillips head”
Laszlo: “Fantastic, all of my heads are f*****. If you could convince your friend to part with his we’ll be in business.”
(On the phone)
Nandor The Relentless: “Guillermo, now is not a good time, Laszlo’s jack *** machine has malfunctioned.”
Nadja: “Who is cooking meat pies? Oh, of course, a jack *** machine.”
Laszlo: “Why would I build myself a jack *** machine when I built a perfectly good one 100 years ago?”
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(in the study)
Nadja: “Nandor. Guillermo has a big time, big boy, big d*** job now? I do not like this at all.”
(Holding up a magazine)
Colin Robinson: “Oh, Rock Hudson”
Laszlo: “More like Rock Hard-son”
(Rideshare driving while looking for a head)
Colin Robinson: “Did you cry at Good Will Hunting”
Passenger: “No”
Colin Robinson: “Ok. Get the f*** out….How do you like them apples?”
(After invading Guillermo at work)
Guillermo: “Nandor, what are you doing here?”
Nandor: “I am patrolling for spills, such is my janitorial duty.”
(Also invading Guillermo)
Nadja: “You know the only time I set the bar as low as you Gary, is for limbo.”
Nadja: “Make no mistake Guillermo. With me, you are the cow that carries the corpses to the burn pit. With me you are the prize pig that gets to eat with the mayor and his big t***** wife.
Nandor: “I have also helped Guillermo on his ascension”
Nadja: “No you haven’t. You clean up s***”
Nandor: “Annnnd p****”
(In the lab)
Laszlo: “Another young scientist inspired. First Mr. Oppenheimer and now Mr. Robinson.”
Laszlo: “If he’s not careful, this thing could turn into a monster mash. Or worse still. A graveyard smash.”
Laszlo: “That’s a remarkable start Colin Robinson. You’ve turned this experiment from s*** to champagne.”
What’s your favorite quote from the episode? Let me know in the comments.
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