Dozen Daily Trivia Answers Explained 3/16/25: Bad Monkey in Dixie
Happy Sunday trivia partners! Your Dozen Daily Trivia Answers Explained will shine the spotlight on all of your concerns regarding around worthless knowledge.
How did you do, Frank? Missed two. Perfects for the year? Two.
Here we go!
NFL: While he didn’t score any points during his college basketball career at Clemson, this WR totaled over 8,600 yards in his first 7 seasons while playing for an AFC South team from 2013-2019.
Answer: DeAndre Hopkins
Explained: And now the ballad of DeAndre Hopkins continues in Baltimore.
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MLB: After helping the Royals reach the 2014 World Series, James Shields signed a 4-year $75 million deal with this National League team.
Answer: James Shields
Explained: I can’t believe it’s been ten years since the Royals were in the series. Already.
College Basketball: After gaining notoriety for their bench celebrations, this college out of New Jersey failed to make the 2016 NCAA tournament following a 27-7 season.
Answer: Monmouth
Explained: College basketball in New Jersey is pretty limited.
Geography: Vienna is the capital of what European country?
Answer: Austria
Explained: Pretty basic European geography.
Celebrity Mashup Answer: Rachel Bilson and Vince Vaughn
Explained: You’ve got to wonder if Bilson is still mashup famous. My post hint of the day.
Chain Restaurants: Founded in 1926, this chain known for frothy fruit beverages are mostly found attached to Dairy Queen’s.
Answer: Orange Julius
Explained: You don’t get frothy fruit beverages at very many places.
Television: After her run on 24, Elisha Cuthbert had a major role on this cult-favorite ABC sitcom from 2011-2013.
Answer: Happy Endings
Explained: There are still fans calling for this show to be revived so many years later.
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Movies: What actor/comedian voiced Remy the Rat in the 2007 Pixar film Ratatouille?
Answer: Patton Oswalt
Explained: Please keep the hyper overexposed Patton Oswalt out of my trivia, please.
Music: Released in 2000, “I’m Like a Bird” was a hit song from this singer-songwriter.
Answer: Nelly Furtadado
Explained: And she went on a serious run for the next ten years.
How did you do? Let me know in the comments.
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