September 7, 2024

Extraordinary: Read about this cool coincidence with “My Lady Jane”

It's always a pleasure to have a reason to talk about "Extraordinary" off season, as...

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My Lady Jane: “The Great” with shapeshifters makes a wild first impression

My Lady Jane dropped on Prime Video this week, and boy, does it throw a...

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The Bear: Finishing Nat’s explanation of Michelin Stars

In episode 4 of season 3 of "The Bear" we're given what feels like half...

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RIP Martin Mull: Here is The Best of Gene Parmesan from Arrested Development

The television industry lost comedian Martin Mull this week. He was 80 years old. The...

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Saturday Morning Trends 6/29/24: Beryl strengthening, Smackdown fallout, Martin Mull RIP

Social Media and search engine trends for Saturday, June 29th, 2024 are more active than...

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What’s On TV Tonight 6/29/24: MLB Baseball and Olympics trials

Tonight, might be a great night to get out of the house and enjoy the...

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Dozen Daily Trivia Answers Explained 6/29/24: “For those lies that you told, boy”

It's Saturday trivia nerds, but we don't take time off here for your Dozen Daily...

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Land Of Women: Premiere gives us “Desperate” Eva Longoria in vintage form

Land Of The Women premiered this week on Apple TV, and the dramedy starring Eva...

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