July 3, 2024

Found: Sir really has all the power right now

Four episodes of “Found” behind us and the most interesting parts of the show don’t...

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The Irrational: Fixer Rose could be a good romantic detour for Alec

The fourth episode of The Irrational featured a kidnapping, and some more psychological wrangling by...

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The Irrational: Why you should be rooting against Alec and Marisa getting back together for now

The Irrational delivered some good television this week. So far the experience has been pretty...

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Found: “Dexter syndrome” means both Gabi and Sir are bad people

The most interesting dynamic of the new NBC show “Found” is between “protagonist” Gabi Moseley...

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Found: It’s possible that Margaret already knows about Sir

My favorite character in “Found” after the first two episodes is “Margaret” (Kelli Williams). She’s...

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Quantum Leap: Notes from the “This took too long!” S2 premiere

The season two premiere of Quantum Leap is behind us and while many of us...

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Found: The last five minute of premiere is where show should grow from

Found premiered on NBC this week, and it tackles the missing persons genre from a...

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The Irrational: The Grizzly Bear Experiment

The Irrational aired it’s second episode this week, and while the main mystery may have...

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