February 24, 2025

Trending: Tony Romo haters make noise early during Super Bowl broadcast

Sports commentators are among the most ridiculed media personalities on social media these days. Joe Buck, Doris Burke, Bob Costas, nobody is safe. Some even say John Madden would get static if he were still around.

Well, now Tony Romo can say he’s in that exclusive company.

Super Bowl viewers started complaining about Romo soon after the Chiefs vs. 49ers broadcast started and he was trending shortly after…

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(Its Romo’s third time)

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What do you think?

Does Romo get too much grief?

Do sports announcers get too much hate in general?

Who is your favorite announcer? Let me know in the comments.

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2 thoughts on “Trending: Tony Romo haters make noise early during Super Bowl broadcast

  1. Super Bowl LVIII: Trivia about the broadcast – Frank Torres: Trends, Trivia, Television

    […] Answer: Tony Romo (more on his feed back HERE) […]

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    […] from sporting events such as Tony Romo during the Super Bowl this past weekend (more on that HERE) to Carrie Ann Inaba on Dancing with the […]

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