Extraordinary: S2 Ep1 Jizz’s real name revealed
Yay! Extraordinary is back. And the pleasant, unorthodox surprise comedy from last season wasted no time addressing big plot points, while keeping it’s premise of everyone having a superhero power fresh.
But you’re here to learn our favorite cat-man or man-cat’s name.
Jizzlord’s real name is Robert Clutton.
We learn this because the main revelation is Jizz’s gorgeous wife finally stumbling into Jen’s neighborhood to search for her husband and bringing his son with him.
Jen and Jizz do finally confront her at the end of the show giving us a sharp edge to lean into for the next episode.
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Before then, they went to Little Italy, the most cost effective Italian restaurant you’ve ever seen because you get shrunk to consume large dishes consisting of a single noodle of spaghetti or a chunk of pizza and an eyedropper of wine.
In other highlights, Jen does raise the money to go to the power discovery clinic after coming out empty last season and we meet George the DILF who tries to unlock her potential by opening up her mind, which is revealed to be filled with books and clutter. Jen then decides she has to make some changes to try to compel her powers to become a reality.
Meanwhile Carrie and Kash (or Kash and Carrie now that you mention it) continue their breakup after last season’s painful display by the latter. Carrie seeks advice from Princess Diana from beyond the grave and she tells her to go all in on an edgy look and her past, which leads our two couples to the void. Where everyone throws literally throws tokens of reluctance into a mystery portal.
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Carrie makes a terrible mistake with her hair, and when Kash tries to fix it, it appears that he jumps into the future in a new change. The post credits scene is Carrie at a hairstylist with a superpower that fixes bad hair cuts.
Great premiere! Let me know what you think in the comments!
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