October 6, 2024

Getting Into Politics: Your Political Canvasser Item Checklist

Every serious political operative has to be able to navigate canvassing neighborhoods. It’s my campaign specialty. I absolutely love it. Your face to face with the voters and winning your race one conversation at a time.

But you’d better have the right gear.

Here are some items I like to have when I’m knocking on doors.

A hydration pack: You must stay hydrated. If you’re out there hitting doors in August and you’re not drinking water, you’re risking your life. You can’t win your race if your dead.

Buy a Camelbak on Amazon HERE

An energy bank: Nothing kills momentum on a walk than your phone running out of battery life. You need an energy bank to prevent having to end your day at the doors early.

Buy an energy bank on Amazon HERE

A good pair of sneakers: If you don’t have good shoes, your feet will blister up on you and you won’t last long. Take care of your wheels.

Buy some Nike sneakers on Amazon HERE

Protect yourself from the sun: The sun will come for you. And it will make you as red as a lobster. Make sure you’re protecting your skin, eyes, and the top of your head. Political canvassing also doubles as sun bathing for many of us!

Grab a good hat on Amazon HERE

Some sunglasses on Amazon HERE

And also some sunscreen on Amazon HERE

But also, don’t forget the rain!: The rain can come at you fast, and depending on where your car is, you might get a little wet.

Buy a poncho on Amazon HERE

And an umbrella too. Get yours on Amazon HERE

If you’ve got all your gear, your walking experience will be all the better for it, and you’ll be one step closer to winning your race.

Dear Friends: Times are bad. You can read my story HERE and please consider helping out below. Thank you

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