Dozen Daily Trivia Answers Explained 5/24/24: “I see your dirty face”
TGIF Trivia Lovers! And your Dozen Daily Trivia Answers Explained for Friday, May 24th, 2024, suspects to be icing on what should be a lot of perfect grids why?…
How did you do, Frank?: Perfect! First time in quite a bit.
Here we go!
NFL: In 2013, this NFC team made 57-year-old Marc Trestman, one of the oldest first-time NFL Head Coaches, but he’d get fired after two seasons.
Answer: Chicago Bears
Explained: Widely considered the worst coach in the franchise’s history. They got him from Canada.
College Football: A dual-threat, this UCLA QB threw 75 TD passes and rushed for 30 TD’s from 2012-2014 before becoming a Packers draft pick.
Answer: Brett Hundley
Explained: A Bears question and a Packers question back to back. Although I suspect the Packers will be on top come football season.
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MLB: Hall of Fame Third Baseman George Brett spent his entire MLB career with this American League team from 1973-1993, totaling over 3,000 hits, winning a World Series, and an MVP.
Answer: Kansas City Royals
Explained: Brett had the most famous ejection in MLB history. Google it. You won’t be disappointed.
Geography: Kenosha, Racine, and Waukesha are all Top 10 most populated cities from this U.S. state.
Answer: Wisconsin
Explained: Two Wisconsin questions for the birthplace of this blog. Much love.
Celebrity Mashup Answer: David Spade and Sandra Bullock
Explained: If it wasn’t for the chin hair, it wouldn’t even be that much of a mashup.
Cereal: Part of the General Mills Monster cereal line, this cereal brand consists of Blueberry-flavored frosted corn cereal bits and marshmallows.
Answer: Boo Berry
Explained: Count Chocula’s less revered younger brother.
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Television: From 2014-2019, Erin Andrews joined on as a co-host of this existing ABC reality competition series.
Answer: Dancing with the Stars
Explained: This blog covered DWTS. Some fans still wish she was there.
Movies: Joseph Gordon-Levitt played a bike messenger who gets chased around New York City by a corrupt police officer who wants an envelope he has in this 2012 action thriller.
Answer: Premium Rush
Explained: Wow. A Premium Rush mention in 2024. Jamie Chung was also in this movie. His bike could not coast.
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Music: “Because when I arrive, I, I’ll bring the fire. Make you come alive, I can take you higher…” are lyrics from this 2008 Kevin Rudolf song featuring Lil Wayne.
Answer: Let It Rock
Explained: My post hint of the day. WWE pushed pay per views with it. It’s on your Spotify somewhere.
How did you do? Let me know in the comments!
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