January 26, 2025

Tropical Storm Ernesto will once again exploit Puerto Rico’s fragile electrical grid

Tropical Storm is heading towards Puerto Rico as I type these words, and it’s picking up strength.

If you’re like me and have loved ones on the island, you should be concerned. Not just because of the actual storm, which is expected to bring large amounts of rain resulting in flooding to the island, but a for another very familiar reason.

The weak electrical grid that has hindered the island for years now.

It doesn’t take a lot for the lights to go out in Puerto Rico. The electrical system is so poorly maintained that it’s made fun of on television (story HERE).

And what’s troubling is that when it goes down, it goes down for a long period of time. Who knows how long it will go down after Ernesto moves on?

The infuriating part of the entire dilemma is the acceptance of a weak electrical grid by the island’s leaders. This has been a challenge for years and nothing is ever done to harden the grid for moments like these.

But one thing that doesn’t stop is the cost such a poor system has on the island’s residents. Electrical bills are high in Puerto Rico.

It’s also summer. It’s going to be hot. These kinds of conditions take a remarkable toll on the population, especially the elderly.

If you have loved ones on the island, you should watch Ernesto closely but you should also have a rewewed determination to call on national leaders to finally strengthen this grid.

This time it’s Tropical Storm Ernesto. But next time it could be something much worse.

Let’s not wait on this anymore.

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