February 9, 2025

Bad Monkey S1 E5 recap: “I’ll See You Soon”

Great episode of Bad Monkey this week, as we got to reconnect with some characters and an excellent final sequence to launch us into next week.

I’m excited. Let’s go.

We can’t save Nick: Big scene this week with the Nick character. I know a lot of us were thinking that there may be some hope for Nick to do the right thing and that Eve can only push him so far.

Now I’m not so sure.

The confrontation I’m thinking about was between Eve and Claire.

“You’re in his DNA, but I’m the one who swallows it!” Yikes and wow.

But Nick picked his wife over his daughter and they’re leaving America forever.

Yancy and Rosa’s family: I enjoyed Yancy hiding out at Rosa’s house. I think whenever you throw Vince Vaughn into that fish out of water environment, he gets to tap into his “Wedding Crasher” and “Old School” energy and he did a fun job here.

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Bonnie and that boy: Respectfully. How great has Michelle Monaghan looked on Bad Monkey? Good-ness. But they went in a different direction with her this week by bringing back that old student she got in trouble for fooling around with. And I’m not so sure where they’re going to take this. I do like that they’re doing something more with her. She’s crushing the role.

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The Dragon Queen’s name is Gracie: We got to reconnect with our characters on the island last week. And just like with Bonnie, I enjoyed that we got to learn more about the Dragon Queen. Her name is Gracie and she enjoys getting drunk on the beach like everybody else. But she’s got some chemistry with Egg. I suppose we have to give up on Nick and hope that she can push him in the right direction.

It’s really Yancy vs. Eve now: “I’ll see you soon”
I like that Yancy was deterred that Nick and Eve got away but almost fired up .

I can’t wait to see where this goes. See you next week!

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