On Call: Why you should agree with Harmon’s finale “restart” recommendation
Let me tell you something. The season one finale of “On Call” on Prime Video had me feeling a lot of different things. I won’t waste anymore time. Let’s go.
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Harmon’s recommendation to restart Diaz hurt at first but felt justified when it was over: So, let me get this straight. Diaz takes two bullets, reads that humble letter at his review hearing, and Harmon thinks he shouldn’t be allowed to move on from probation?
It was a gut punch. But, when I thought about it, I agreed.
Diaz is dead if Koy shows up five seconds later. As terrible as the Delgado death to kick off the show was, I’m not sure we could do that again. And another trainee death would have wrecked Harmon. Diaz also lost his temper, and made some other bad decisions this season. He’s already a hero, but Harmon knows he gets killed if he doesn’t wake up.
But I also agreed with Bishop denying Harmon’s transfer: Aunt Becky isn’t f****** around. Maniac almost killed Harmon a couple of episodes back. I love her to pieces, but Harmon went off script a few times, and it could have gone really bad.
Diaz cashing in his “Get Out Of Jail Free” card was a beautiful way to end the season: I knew he had it. But it still hit the emotions just right. Much credit to Troian Bellisario for some incredible acting without a word with the final minute of the finale.
On Call, season one was a victory. Let’s do it again, Amazon!
What did you think of On Call season one? Let me know in the comments.
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