February 16, 2025

“Unstoppable” arrives on Prime Video and is an effective motivator

“Unstoppable”, arrived on Prime Video this week, and the story of a one legged collegiate wrestling champion could be interpreted by simply watching the trailer.

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But the film, which features some acting heavyweights, and another excellent turn by Jharrel Jerome, might still be worth a look if you’re searching for a different take on overcoming the odds to reach a goal.

And you may not have known this, but it’s a JLo movie too.

Well, not really. But yes, Jennifer Lopez, in a role that could have been farmed out to any actress old enough to play Jerome’s mother, does some solid work in a performance she could have easily phoned in. And Don Cheadle and Michael Pena are also good here in roles that might not hit their sizzle reels, but are a demonstration that they always show up for work. Bobby Cannavale is also menacing as an abusive father figure.

Let’s bring it down a level. Collegiate wrestling isn’t the most exciting thing. Director William Goldenberg does his darndest though, but it might not be good enough to keep someone hooked if they’re not feeling the inspirational vibe.

Overall though, Unstoppable is just fine. Not great. Just fine. It’s pretty hard to not feel good, if you’re willing to give it the time. And if you’re a JLo fan, it is interesting to watch her do some acting that isn’t set up to be a grand epic or rom com roll out. And hopefully, more and more people can discover Jerome too.


Grade: B

Have you seen the movie? What did you think? Let me know in the comments.

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