February 16, 2025

The Pitt: Hooray for Narcam and continued recognition of veterans

Do you know how many lives that Narcam, a first aid chemical used to prevent drug overdoses, has saved this week on television?

Five. Four on On Call, on Prime Video.

And one on this week’s outing of The Pitt, whose third episode was another enjoyable affair.

Those are super hero numbers.

On the show, we see a non responsive young girl being brought into the ER, she’s given Narcam and a few moments later, she snaps back awake. While it’s important to note that Narcam doesn’t make you invincible, it is such an under recognized tool in saving over dose victims.

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The Pitt also illustrated the destruction drugs in our communities can cause. That young woman took Xanax without a prescription, and the drugs hurt another young man that same morning.

Our real villains in this scenario are the drug dealers. They all need to be launched into space.

We also had another poignant scene in which Dr. Robby reads a letter from another doctor to the daughter of a deceased veteran. The Pitt has had two very kind nods towards my brothers and sisters. This week’s scene, and the premiere’s mention of Dr. King’s work with the VA.

Speaking of Dr. Melissa King. She’s my first favorite new television character of the year. What a sweet soul. Taylor Dearden has me completely brought into her.

Some other quick hits:

The show also continues to make social workers look like stars. They are. Their work is so important in keeping these tragedies from happening again.

We got a little bit more insight into the mystery of Dr. McKay’s ankle monitor (story HERE).

Those scrubs machines that we saw Whitaker struggling with are normally in locker rooms for that purpose. But it made for some effective comedy here.

Excellent episode. I’ll see you next week!

What did you think of this week’s episode of The Pitt? Let me know in the comments.

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