Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Happy for Hulu revival, but here’s why I’m also very nervous
Wow. I am excited to write a live Buffy The Vampire Slayer post in 2025. We can thank Hulu for that, after announcing a new show with Sarah Michelle Gellar attached.
The show really grew my love for television. It was the first program that I owned every episode for. I had crushes on SMG, Alyson Hannigan, and Eliza Dushku when I was younger. I knew most of the notable one liners and used them all of them time. Then Angel came along, and my midweeks were booked. What a great time. WB. UPN. It didn’t matter I was there.
So, why am I nervous?
Because, Buffy The Vampire, in addition to killing evil, is about growing up. And I’m not sure if we can do that correctly. The story doesn’t lend itself out that way with everyone in their 40s. And proteges are so overdone in popular culture today, it wouldn’t do justice to the mythology.
And we also have to talk about Chloe Zhao. I know. I know. Nomadland was art. A gorgeous film. Zhao has an Oscar in her house already.
But “Eternals” is the worst MCU movie ever made.
The truth is that the choice to hire Zhao was made for the prestige. Not for the vision. The original BTVS used to brag about how campy it could be, and they use to brag about the physical effects they improvised in the back lots.
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We don’t need Chloe giving us Buffy in an existential crisis as we squint through perpetual lens flare. I’d like to see SMG dusting vamps, and taking down monsters three times her size.
I don’t know. I knew this was coming, but if it’s not handled correctly it could go the way of the Fraiser, That 80s Show, and How I Met Your Father deaths.
And Buffy The Vampire Slayer deserves so much more than that.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments.
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