October 6, 2024

Getting Into Politics : Knocking on houses with “No Soliciting” signs

It’s a question you need to ask on every single campaign you knock on doors for.

“Are we knocking on doors with “No Soliciting” signs on them?”

That question could save you a lot of headaches on your walk. Because if you guess, you could either A) Miss a lot of opportunities to connect with voters B) Aggravate a lot of potentially friendly voters by not respecting their wishes.

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Here is the thing. In most cases, political canvassing is not considered soliciting. You’re not selling anything. You’re not there to ask for money. You’re there to have a conversation. You’re not really soliciting anything.

If the campaign wants you to knock on doors that have No Soliciting signs on them, they need to prepare you for the blowback. You’ll have some voters simply point to their signs and end the conversation. If they’re supporters of your candidate’s opponent, you may find yourself on social media in a negative light. You’re always on camera. Remember (post HERE).

If the campaign wants you to pass, make sure you mark the residence on the app. They may send mailers to the house instead or give them a call during a phone bank.

What do I think? What’s my opinion?

I believe that only the candidate themselves gets a pass on No Soliciting signs. There is a possibility that they could be representing those voters in the very near future, he owes it to them to have as many conversations as possible.

Getting guidance on No Solicting signs is important. It could save you a lot of uncomfortable moments.

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One thought on “Getting Into Politics : Knocking on houses with “No Soliciting” signs

  1. Getting Into Politics: Knocking on Apartment Complex Doors – Frank Torres: Trending Topics, Trivia, TV And More

    […] here is the thing. Much like “No solicitation” signs (story HERE) there are voters who have expectations from the people knocking on their doors. People in […]

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