New York Times Connections Answers 12/12/24: Zip it all
Good morning, my Connections players! This game for Thursday, December 12th 2024, didn’t pull any punches, with some pictures that could be interpreted in a couple of different connections under the right circumstances.
Here we go!
Things that sound like “T”:
Tea: or cup of tea
Tee: used in the game of golf
Tee: a kind of shirt also T-shirt
Ti: used in music
Objects with teeth:
Comb: It has teeth indeed
Gear: Right?
Saw: The blade has teeth
Zipper: The reason it gets stuck are certainly the teeth
Mild Oaths:
Parts of a river: This one wasn’t bad
Bank: You’re familiar with river banks.
Bed: Yeah, also where you sleep
Delta: Not just an airline
Mouth: Easily confused with objects that have teeth.
How did you do? Let me know in the comments.
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