Struggle against homelessness steals time from our veterans

“Life is too short to be struggling this way”

That’s a thought I’ve had a few times, as I wade through the housing crisis here in Orlando to find stability.

We spend so much time trying to survive, that the time is being stolen from the other wonderful things in life that can make it worth living.

Early shelter check-ins are a poor substitute for time spent with friends and family doing memorable activities. Birthday parties. Barbecues. Football Sundays. Goodness, those were all good things we took for granted.

Time spent in line waiting for help at various offices steals the pursuit of excellence a lot of us could be chasing. If you’ve read anything about me, you understand that I’ve done some great things before. It’s my hope that I’m not done yet. I’m sure you feel the same way. There are heights we can all hit that we don’t even realize.

And the despair we all feel when we have nothing should be replaced by almost anything. There are times when we just want to shut down. When everything seems hopeless. The possibility of better days just seems so far away and negativity is everywhere. How can you not feel that way when you don’t even feel safe in your surroundings?

We can try to live off of nostalgia. But we must guard our minds. Nostalgia is like giving a dehydrated man salt water. You may feel better for a moment but you’ll end up much worse in the end.

The answer is different for everyone. Some dig down to find strength in their military training. Others call relatives and friends. Some in my situation read books and try to acquire more skills. Me? I blog. It’s the only thing I know how to do these days.

The solution may very well be movement. Don’t stop moving. And don’t give up.

Readers. Times for me are very tough right now. If you could help out the blog, I’d be grateful. If you’ve got questions, you could write me

Next, you can read about how many veterans wish they could still serve as the military struggles to his it’s recruitment numbers.

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