Barry: A “Beignets by Mitch” scene appreciation post from “710N”
This is the fourth and final part of a scene appreciation series on that epic Barry episode from last week, “710N”, and we’ve already talked about the Taylor Chase (link HERE), the New Medusas pitch meeting (HERE), and the voice text in the store scene (HERE).
And now it’s time to talk about “Beignets by Mitch” perhaps the most surprisingly popular (and possibly star making) scene of the episode.
We get Mitch (Tom Allen) who just shows up on this episode with a line out the door of hits beignets bakery.
But here is the thing. Mitch might just be the wisest person in Los Angeles, as he gives out advice to all of the major characters on the show including Sally, Noho Hank, and Barry himself (who really should have followed his guidance).
He was on screen less than three minutes.
And fans have done the rest, we got people asking for a spin off with this guy just giving advice to people.
Why is he so popular? I’m not sure. But I have guesses.
Bill Hader only shot him from one angle: It wouldn’t have surprised me if they did his parts in just a few hours. He’s shot from one perspective with the camera only slightly looking up at him. He looks almost like a ridiculous oracle, but completely in control at all times.
His advice is just as good as his beignets: We know his product is good. People are scarfing pastries the entire half hour. But we even see one customer coming back to let him know how his advice worked out. Heck, this could have been a season of “In Treatment”.
His tide “raises all ships”: He cares about his customers. And he encourages them to move forward and believe in their abilities. Who wouldn’t want that from their local baker?
It’s just a terrific character and I hope we see him again..
What was your favorite scene from N710. Please vote in the poll below…
What was your favorite part of that last epic episode of #Barry? #BarryHBO
— The Frank Torres Report (@ftrtoday) June 1, 2022
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