February 9, 2025

FOX Sports: “Lets go Jen” Skip Bayless ruins Shannon Sharpe return by standing by Damar Hamlin tweet

After going noticeably missing from Undisputed on Tuesday, following the controversial remarks made by his co host, Skip Bayless, regarding Damar Hamlin’s life threatening injury on Monday Night Football, Shannon Sharpe returned to his host chair on Wednesday, prepared to explain both his absence and to continue sending well wishes to Hamlin.

And he was promptly interrupted by Bayless less than a minute in.

Yea it’s over RT @TheNBACentral: Shannon Sharpe is fed up with Skip Bayless 😬 pic.twitter.com/pvCQRn5hfK

— Fitz  (@MrCrisp_) January 4, 2023

When he was eventually allowed to speak again Sharpe explained that he wanted the issue to be about Hamlin’s recovery and not his on air partner’s controversy. That clearly was not allowed to happen.

“Let’s go Jen” said Sharpe, asking moderator, Jen Hale, to continue the rundown of the program.

And the internet once again had an “Undisputed” host trending at the top of social media. This time it was Sharpe.

Shannon Sharpe is that guy.

He was just giving his take on something, and Skip still had the nerve to interrupt.

Btw, Skip was arguing with a wall for two hours yesterday because everyone was pissed at him


— Matt (@academicfabe) January 4, 2023

This the second time in like a month Skip dumb ass done disrespected Shannon Sharpe on air. Free yoself, Uncle Shay! @ShannonSharpe https://t.co/yRJncYNWje

— BaRokk YObama (@Best2EvaTweet) January 4, 2023

This How Skip be interrupting Shannon sharpe on Undisputed https://t.co/tjGlnrwuBb pic.twitter.com/xhVUZnSr6x

— Ye’s Therapist (@matrixray) January 4, 2023

#shannonsharpe returned to #fox’s #undisputed today. A heated debate started with Shannon & co-host #skipbayless about the tweet, Skip put out during #MondayNightFootball where #DamarHamlin suffered a life threatening injury. Skip suggested that the #nfl can’t postpone the game. pic.twitter.com/tVES3m20SZ

— Shawn Bell (@ShawnBell1881) January 4, 2023

I honestly hope this is the end of this show and Shannon ends up somewhere his talent and knowledge, and he’s a very insightful person who’s very good at this, is put to good use somewhere else and he doesn’t have to constantly get dragged down by Skip. https://t.co/HV8XFmXamn

— Andrew Schnittker (@aschnitt53) January 4, 2023

Shannon Sharpe needs to recruit Ryan Clark, Jalen Rose, & Richard Sherman and just put an end to Skip Bayless’ nonsense

— Justyn “JUICE GAWD” Vaughn (@JuiceInAllHoods) January 4, 2023

Shannon:”Take down the tweet”

Skip: pic.twitter.com/7s1ARUJzsA

— TheHomieJoker🃏 (@TheHomieJoker) January 4, 2023

Skip on the way to FS1 studios tmr and meeting Shannon in the parking lot 😭😭😭 pic.twitter.com/KJIpktzNzu

— Danger Zone (@DangerZone139) January 4, 2023

Fucking. Get. Him. Shannon. 🙌🏼 https://t.co/1eV1H9sLAM

— Dayna Ree (@DaynaB33) January 4, 2023

Shannon Sharpe should’ve straight up socked Skip in the jaw. He has way more restraint than me. Much respect and love to @ShannonSharpe

— Mike Straw (@MikeStrawMedia) January 4, 2023

What do you think of Skip’s remarks this morning? Let me know in the comments below.

What do you think should happen to Skip Bayless at FOX Sports? Vote in the poll below.

Should Skip Bayless retire after his interruption of Shannon Sharpe this morning on #Undisputed??? #FoxSports #NFL #DamarHamlin

— The Frank Torres Report (@ftrtoday) January 4, 2023

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