March 13, 2025

Night Court: Newboot is getting its first courtroom gimmick episode

The best episodes of the classic Night Court involved Judge Harry Stone having to negotiate some kind of crazy or unexpected disruption to get his team across some judicial milestone or deadline. There was the New Year’s Episode, the blizzard episode, and a few others.

Our “newboot” appears to be getting its first courtroom gimmick episode with “Justice Buddies”. It looks like a relative of Gurgs is going to bring his classmates into Abby’s court and stage a protest.

This is a great opportunity for Melissa Rauch and the rest of the cast to both have some fun and start climbing up to the standard of the original. While the first few episodes have been fine, there have been some hardcore loyalists on social media who are still looking to be won over.

And lets hope that this protest is handled in a way that doesn’t scare away anyone. The problem you get when you reboot a new show is that when you decide to start preaching not everyone agrees. Night Court is already renewed for a second season and with numbers like the ones their putting up, its not a measure of survival but more of just growing a following that you can enjoy the show with.

We’re going to be in for a treat with the following episode which will feature champion figure skaters Tara Lipinski and Johnny Weir. I’m getting some Mel Torme vibes here.

Be sure to check back on Tuesday morning for a review!

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