January 20, 2025

Alert MPU: Season finale finishes Keith story, serving as a series ender if cancelled

Alert: Missing Persons Unit, aired its season finale this week. And with no renewal announced, along with ordinary numbers in the ratings, our heroes are left almost exactly where we started when the show began.

Grieving over the loss of a son, and pledging to rescue who they can.

If Alert isn’t picked up for a second season, it did what it had to do to serve as a mostly satisfying end for viewers.

Luckily, it didn’t end on a cliff hanger. We were worried that Nikki would get kidnapped and that we wouldn’t get her back before the show ended. Thankfully that wasn’t the case (story HERE).

Instead, we learned that Keith was indeed an impostor after a season of back and forth. Personally, I didn’t care for the decision. When you give viewers a puzzle to solve, you shouldn’t be taking pieces out of the box, and I thought that’s what happened here.

Still, the rest of the two hour finale was decent enough. The kidnapped bride story got pretty intense, both in the shack and out in the woods.

When the Nikki abduction took place, I was amazed that a demented nurse could get the drop on a detective who’s been jumping off of balconies and outsmarting militias. And then she got captured a second time in the basement.

It was a strange finale. It could have been done better. But I was never bored, and that’s the most important part.

So, now we wait. I could do another season of Alert: Missing Persons Unit. If this is it, I think we could all put down the book feeling pretty decent about the experience.

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