January 22, 2025

Shrinking: The best quotes from “Closure”

Shrinking ended its excellent first season this week with a wedding, a job offer, a new business venture, and some closure on a very emotional subject. The show was an absolute joy. Everyone over there should be proud. I’l be anxiously awaiting the second season.

And we even had a cliffhanger (Or do we call it a cliff faller).

Anywho, here are the best quotes from the finale.

Alice: “You’re such a selfish A******!”
Jimmy: “She gets it.”

Liz: “Get the f*** out of here. You’re a horrible person.”
Sean: “Is that Liz for ‘this is delicious’?”

Liz: “Technically its his money as well, I earned my share by raising our children. And I’m quite good at sex.”
Derek: “Oh Yeah. Let me tell ya.. Rocks aren’t the only thing she knows how to polish.”

Liz: “Quickie later?”
Derek: “You bet baby. I will be lightning fast.”

Meg: “Come on, dad. What are you doing?”
Paul: “Grandpa s***”

Paul’s grandson: “Why did you doctor come here?”
Paul: “Because we’re having sexual relations”
Julie: “Jesus, Paul”
Meg: “Really?”

Brian: “I make a lot of people think they are my best friend. Its a gift.”

Liz: “I don’t want to just be investors with Sean. I want to be partners.”
Gabby: “No s***. Then why don’t you just tell him. What? Are you afraid you’re going to be like Sandra Bullock in the ‘Blind Side’? Everywhere you go people are going to look at you and go ‘look at that Blind Side a** lady. Look at her’”

Liz: (to Sean about joining his business) “I know I can be a strong cup of coffee.”
Derek: “I love my coffee strong.”
Liz: “I’ll tell you when its time to chime in.”
(about 45 seconds later)
Liz: “I know I can be overbearing. I know this. And judgy…”
Derek: “Or pretty or vivacious.”
Liz: “I told you I would tell you when it was time to chime in.”
Derek: “Why am I here if you’re not going to use me?”

Derek: (after that last talk) “Are you sad because he was so kind to you?”
Liz: (exhales dramatically)

Derek: “Hope he’s enjoying the a** heater”

Gabby and Derek: “D-Man is going to be a B-Man. D-Man is going to be a B-Man”

Jimmy: “I have all this training and experience. And I feel so helpless.”
Paul: “You should put that on your business card.”

Derek: “Who wishes they peed off the balcony now?”

Gabby: “Fine! Alright?! I f**** Jimmy! f**** him. I f***** him. I f***** him.
Liz: “Give me more details.”
Gabby: “Its really good. It’s like Mariah Carey hitting a high note good.”

Paul: “First you raw dog me in public. Now, you burst into my office and raw dog me here?”
Liz: (to Jimmy) “Tell him what ‘raw dog’ means.
Jimmy: “Sex without a condom.”
Paul: “Then I’ll stop saying that.”

Paul: “What kind of a person hugs and tells?”
Jimmy: “I know.”

Paul: “Hire her. She’s a brilliant therapist.”
Gerald: “Paul, I’ve already told her she’s got the job.”
Paul: “Well then, read your emails, cause I’m going to finish this.”

Jimmy: (at the wedding) “Hey. Did anyone notice that this wedding venue is like a tight pair of trousers? No ballroom.”

Grace: “Boop”

If you enjoyed reading about “Shrinking” this season. Please help me out below. Thank you.

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