The current path for Homeless Veterans in Orlando in 2024

Fighting to stave off homelessness for Orlando veterans in 2024 is both an emotionally and physically draining task. While many are happy to march in the parades during the holidays, there are far fewer remaining behind to help us when we actually need it.

I’ve discovered that the hard way over the past week and extensively over the past few months. Here is what I’ve learned.

Most of these charitable organizations just lead to the VA: All of these organizations that advertise helping veterans eventually just send us to the Department of Veterans Affairs anyway. We need a VA referral to get help. And we have to hit rock bottom to do so (I wrote about that yesterday HERE). That’s not to say there aren’t good people at these groups but we need so much more help than this.

Then the VA sends us back out to other partners: From here we go to the general shelter. We’re supposed to have dedicated beds but as you read these words those beds are not available because of a fire. There are other partners who are supposed to give us more stable housing but I haven’t heard back from them in days.

This stuff really isn’t free: A lot of organizations do charge you to stay in their facilities after a certain amount of time. This is encouraging us to get back to work which is good, but some of the costs I’ve seen are actually pretty stiff.

The waiting and uncertainty is excruciating: Its gotten to the point where I’ve done everything I can do for housing. Now I have to wait. And I don’t know how long this will all take. But I do know I’m not the only veteran going through this. I talk to others at the bus stop and in line.

Veterans homelessness in Orlando is very real. And the climb to pull ourselves out is the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

Friends. Times are tough here. If you can help out the blog below, I’d be grateful. You can reach me at

Next: Read about how veterans in my community are often forgotten after holidays

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