February 24, 2025

Any VA staffing cuts could hurt veterans in already overwhelmed Florida

As myself and many other veterans in here in Florida continue to struggle to keep a roof over our heads, there is a disturbing debate taking place between the Department Of Veterans Affairs and a bipartisan group of senators (story HERE).

The argument is over potential cuts that could amount to about 10,000 VA jobs, in an system that already has long waits for care, and that scores of veterans are currently depending on who are a breath away from sleeping on the street.

The VA is pushing back at speculation calling the cuts “non facing” and “programmatic”.

But the problem is that the VA needs help on all fronts right now, with all dimensions of health care and social services.

Especially here in Orlando, where I’m feeling the shortages first hand. I want to go faster and get to stable housing, but I don’t have the vehicles. Both literally and figuratively in regards to VA support.

The point I’m getting at is that we need to keep all of the our workers in the building.

Does the VA have some softer sides? Absolutely. I think they’re often too concerned with public relations instead of getting veterans off of the street.

However those conditions call for reallocation, not eliminations.

We must also be aware that more veterans will be joining our ranks of VA dependent patients. We’re living longer. Our problems are becoming more complex. We are facing a lot of uncertainties in the world. We don’t know what is coming at us.

The VA should continue adding to their workforce, until every veteran that needs help is getting it in a timely manner.

Dear friends. I’m in bad shape right now. All of these words you’ve read over the past two weeks have effected me personally. If you’d like to help me below, you can. Thank you.

Next: Read about my trouble with anxiety in my latest battle against veterans homelessness HERE

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