Happy Birthday Annette Benning! Let’s do some trivia!
Annette Bening turns 66 today on May 29th, and she’s had an awesome career stretching back decades that probably includes a favorite movie or two of yours.
Let’s do some trivia to celebrate her career and life!
Here we go!
1) Bening starred as a real estate pro married to Kevin Spacey as they both teeter on sanity in this 1999 Best Picture Oscar winner.
Answer: American Beauty
2) Annette played an environmental lobbyist who finds herself dating the President of the United States in this film that also featured Michael Douglas.
Answer: An American President
3) Bening starred in the 1991 mobster flick, “Bugsy” with her husband who is this Dick Tracy actor.
Answer: Warren Beatty
4) Annette Bening is one of the many superstars in the Marvel Cinematic Universe where she played the Supreme Intelligence in this film opposite Brie Larson.
Answer: Captain Marvel
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5) Annette played a suffering wife who has to help Harrison Ford recover from a bullet to the head in this 91′ Drama
Answer: Regarding Henry
6) Like many other superstars, Bening had an appearance on this 80s action drama that starred Don Johnson.
Answer: Miami Vice
7) Annette was in this 1996 sci-fi that also starred Jack Nicholson as a President trying to fend off an invasion of little green aliens.
Answer: Mars Attacks
8) “The Siege” didn’t live up to expectations despite a cast that include Bening, Bruce Willis and this “Training Day” multiple time Academy Award Winner.
Answer: Denzel Washington
9) Annette Bening nabbed an Oscar nomination for this 1990 film that also starred John Cusack
Answer: The Grifters
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10) Bening was born in this Topeka, which is the capital of this state.
Answer: Kansas
How did you do? Let me know in the comments!
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