October 23, 2024

Meet The Press: Show previews this week’s Biden vs. Trump showdown

Peter Alexander was in for Kristin Welker this week on Meet The Press while she was on family leave, as the show previewed the upcoming debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump on Thursday night in Atlanta.

The show interviewed surrogates for both candidates, beginning with Mitch Landrieu, who contended that Trump “only cares about his “rich friends and himself” and that America will get it right by siding with the incumbent over a convicted felon. He also added that Biden’s measures against inflation have been effective.

South Dakota Governor, Kristi Noem, was up next and while she was given some time to tout Trump’s economic policies, she was asked about her own rumored consideration to be Trump’s running mate, as well as her new book, where she was once again asked about a dog she had to put down who was demonstrating aggressive behavior. She stated being content as Governor, and dismissed the dog story.

You can buy Kristi Noem’s book on Amazon HERE

The group panel consisted of former Congressman Carlos Curbelo, Molly Ball from the Wall Street Journal, Symone Sanders Townsend from The Weekend, and Greg Bluestein from the Atlanta Journal Constitution. They also discussed the upcoming debate, while pointing out that many viewers may not be happy with either of the two candidates. There was also much discussion of the behavior of Latino voters, who have been shifting towards more Republican candidates in recent months.

Meet The Press also promoted it’s debate coverage which kick off at 9pm on Thursday night. This is summer debate is the earliest general election debate in history.

Did you watch the show? What did you think? Let me know in the comments.

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