October 23, 2024

WeCrashed: “Fight to the death in everything you do!”

That my friends, was Adam Neumann’s speech to a room of kindergartner aged children on WeCrashed this week. You see, Rebekah got bored again, and pulled her kids out of school. She then decided to open up her own school, in another attempt to figure out her identity called WeGrow. This is the flow we’re in as WeCrashed continues its errrr..crash.

The good news is that it’s still pretty good entertainment. Jared Leto, despite his latest misfire “Morbius” at the box office, can still hang his hat on this show, and Anne Hathaway is still Anne Hathaway and is having zero problems with the role of the whimsical but occasionally angry Chief Branding Officer.

Some of the highlights of this week’s episode was Adam’s across the office grudge with Cameron Lautner (played very well by O-T Fagbenie). He was able to fight off a coup on the board, but hey, this is a real life story, we know how this goes. Masayoshi pulled his support, which left Adam crying in the car as the episode ended.

We know that we’re beginning this slope of watching this power couple crash. This is when I’m expecting the real Oscar talent of Leto and Hathaway to shine through.

See you next week!

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