January 25, 2025

Lopez vs. Lopez: “The crab drinks milk”

Let’s start off with congratulations for the show which received a full season order. FTR will be adding it to its rotation with other NBC shows such as Quantum Leap, American Auto, Grand Crew, and Young Rock. Good work guys.

The show was dealing with Chance’s birthday party this week. They disagreed about having the soiree in an insect museum.

Joking about using poop bags for party favors? Thumbs up.
Roach on the shoe joke? Thumbs up.
“Jet Bruja”. Thumbs up. And maybe true.
The insurance joke. Thumbs up. And also possibly true.

Anyways, George decided to just go ahead and throw his own party which Chance seemed to like.

Pizza joke? Thumbs down.
Grandpa chasing tail joke? Thumbs up.

It was also a neat decision to have Quintin understand that conversation with the family. They actually talk like that too. Unfortunately. But every family does, I suppose.

The montage was goofy, but I’d be lying if I didn’t crack a smile at Chance falling after being spun like 100 times.

We have to talk about the Lopez vs. Lopez dynamic. It might actually be a drag on the show. For the second straight episode, the supporting cast has provided the laughs, with Quintin and Rosie dealing with the family gossips being more interesting than the battle over the party.

Even when they hash out their differences, it was the “Churro” that bailed them out.

“I see you added to white diversity to your coven”. Thumbs up.

The show still continues moving in the right direction. And NBC must see something they like. It wouldn’t have gotten extended otherwise. Lets see where we go next.

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