January 23, 2025

Congress should pass bipartisan Elizabeth Dole Veterans Act ASAP

When you’re a homeless veteran who is struggling like myself and many others, any help from Washington to reinforce the lagging benefits we earned with our service is welcome. Especially the kind of legislation that is bipartisan and demonstrates all of our elected officials coming together help veterans.

That’s what the Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Improvement Act will do (story HERE).

This is a versatile bill that will do everything from give homeless veterans more chances to get a roof over our head, to providing more options for veterans caregivers, and VA accountability.

We need to pass this bill as soon as possible.

The reason for the urgency in my writing is because this thing could easily get kicked down the road.

We’ve got elections coming up. This means that the warpaint goes on in July and lawmakers have to concentrate on campaigning so that they can remain lawmakers. Plus, its a presidential cycle, which means that we get to crank up the noise even higher.

So basically, if we don’t push this thing through, there is no telling when it will pass.

Then its not just about passage, its also about implementation. These things take time.

And if you’re a hurting veteran like myself and the others around me, every minute is painful. And there aren’t enough resources.

Call your members of Congress and tell them to support this legislation and to get it passed.

Our brothers and sisters who defended our freedom can’t afford to wait.

Dear Readers: Times are very bad for me now. You can read more HERE and donate below if you’d like to help. You can write me directly at torres.fjr@gmail.com Thank you

Next: Read about a bill that would make enrolling in VA Health Care easier.

One thought on “Congress should pass bipartisan Elizabeth Dole Veterans Act ASAP

  1. Michigan legislature should advance veterans mental health initiatives – Frank Torres: Opinions, Reactions, Trends

    […] NEXT: And read about how federal lawmakers should pass the veteran friendly Elizabeth Dole act […]

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