Fire Country: Where is the fire?
We’re back on Fire Country this week after a break, with Bode trying to clear the air with Jake. And if Jake wasn’t already bad enough, he doubled down on “walking around” in Bode’s life and Gabriella.
I don’t like Bode and Gabriella together by the way.
And Gabby got in another argument with her dad, Manny, over a meal and her role in Cal Fire. While Sharon finally told Bode about her fatal kidney disease. She made Bode promise that he would play nice with Jake, and try to get out at his next parole hearing.
When he went to Manny about parole, he was promptly shut down. But we didn’t have time to reflect, because the team had to help some hikers, one who had fallen off a cliff while taking a selfie (the second selfie accident on prime time TV this week after Alaska Daily).
With Vince out, Jake decided to take charge. And the two ran into each other, high school cafeteria style. But Bode couldn’t mix it up because he’s trying to get out of jail. This continued when Bode and Gabriella started talking. Things calmed down though when Bode told Jake and Eve that Sharon was dying.
Then it was helicopter rescue time. But when trying to save the hiker, Eve’s cable got stuck in the rocks and had to get cut loose. Now, we had two victims with Eve dislocating her shoulder in the pit that was filling up with water.
But in some wild character evolution, Jake decided he wanted to rescue the pair with Bode. The dude he’s been fighting with for the last six episodes. We did get some good dramatic TV though.
Then Luke showed up again sniffing up again Sharon’s job and she let him have it.
The Eve scene with the victim didn’t do much for me, but we got back on track when the anchor pulling up all four people started to give. In the end everyone made it though.
During the mop up, we had a short, muted celebratory scene with Eve, Jake, and Bode. Manny and Gabby also found some peace. Luke and Vince got back together and we learned that Luke didn’t get Sharon booted but Vince himself. That was also an interesting point. Luke might not be a bad guy after all.
And after all of that mess, Bode and Jake appear poised to call a truce. That may or may not be a good thing for the show, given how good of an antagonist Jake is. We’ll see.
Unfortunately, we also didn’t see the real bad guy of the show again.
For the second time in six episodes, there was no “fire” in Fire Country. But it was decent television which is more important.
See you next time.
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