July 7, 2024

Getting Into Politics: Talking to angry voters

It will happen. It's not if. It's when. And it's happened to everyone from the...

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Getting Into Politics: When voters bring up negative attacks

There was a time in politics where "going negative" was the last resort for a...

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Getting Into Politics: The Campaign Volunteer Bill Of Rights

One thing that saddens me about campaign politics in 2024, is the state of campaign...

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Getting Into Politics: Looking for the conversation with voters

If you want to be truly great at grassroots politics, you have to truly want...

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Getting Into Politics: Dealing with Ring doorbell cameras

There has been a new philosophy in campaign politics over the last few years, and...

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Getting Into Politics: Talking to voters with a listeners approach

Over the years, I've been fortunate enough to win a lot of votes at the...

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Getting Into Politics: Your Political Canvasser Item Checklist

Every serious political operative has to be able to navigate canvassing neighborhoods. It's my campaign...

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Getting Involved In Politics: Speaking At A Public Hearing

The latest in my series on getting involved in local politics has to do with...

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