September 8, 2024

Baseball over Veterans philosophy by VA in Los Angeles is hurtful

A simply maddening report out of Los Angeles, that illustrates the Department Of Veterans Affairs...

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Lawmaker questions to VA Secretary regarding care of Maine Veterans very valid

Even though I have nothing at the moment, I still look around the nation to...

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Many Landlords don’t want to house Veterans using vouchers

One of the most painful aspects of dealing with homelessness is discovering the hypocrisy of...

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Congress must take care of “Atomic Veterans” and preserve RECA

"Atomic Veterans" are soldiers who helped test nuclear weapons in the World War II era....

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Pets for Vets programs should be replicated everywhere

While I'm currently struggling with homelessness along with many other veterans, its encouraging to see...

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Indiana latest to pass Green/Camo Alert for Vets, more states should follow

Indiana recently passed Green Alert legislation (story HERE). This is another tool used to help...

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Greenville Veterans are understandably upset at VA scheduling woes

If you're a veteran in the Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care system, then you...

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Concerns over VA hiring amid PACT Act surge are valid

This week, there were questions in Washington from elected officials regarding the Department Of Veterans...

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