July 24, 2024

Pets for Vets programs should be replicated everywhere

While I'm currently struggling with homelessness along with many other veterans, its encouraging to see...

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Indiana latest to pass Green/Camo Alert for Vets, more states should follow

Indiana recently passed Green Alert legislation (story HERE). This is another tool used to help...

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Greenville Veterans are understandably upset at VA scheduling woes

If you're a veteran in the Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care system, then you...

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Concerns over VA hiring amid PACT Act surge are valid

This week, there were questions in Washington from elected officials regarding the Department Of Veterans...

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What many Homeless Veterans want to do after recovering

Perhaps the tough times have beaten me down too often, but one of the saddest...

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Homeless Veterans often won’t received specialized care they deserve

It bears repeating. There are good people out here fighting the good fight against homelessness,...

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Aurora VA prosthetics scandal is proof we need more oversight

An infuriating report out of Aurora, Colorado on Monday morning, confirmed that the prosthetics chief...

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Any VA staffing cuts could hurt veterans in already overwhelmed Florida

As myself and many other veterans in here in Florida continue to struggle to keep...

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