July 3, 2024

Star Trek Picard: Post Next Generation story already sprinting forward

Star Trek: Picard aired it’s series finale this week and after such a brutal and...

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Star Trek Picard: What happened to Jack Crusher and Starfleet is a nightmare, but hope remains

Is it possible to be terrified, but at the same time inspired and hopeful? It...

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Star Trek Picard: What we know (and don’t know) about what’s behind Jack’s door

Another great episode of Star Trek: Picard in the books, and there is just so...

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Star Trek Picard: More questions than answers after we learn what the Changelings stole

Star Trek: Picard continued it’s excellent swan song this week with an episode that gave...

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Star Trek Picard: Fan speculation over what’s happening to Jack Crusher is all over the place

Well, hand it to Star Trek: Picard writers. They’ve got the fans going absolutely nuts...

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Star Trek Picard: The only Borg so deadly they gave him a name

“The Best of Both Worlds”. No sci-fi storyline in the history of television hit me...

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Star Trek Picard: How the show got me to start rooting for Jack Crusher

“He’s kind of a little $&*&. Isn’t he?” That was my first impression of Jack...

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Star Trek Picard: We get a “monster” filler episode, but it’s not all bad

Ah, yes. The filler episode. A device used by writers that don’t have enough ideas...

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